Congratulations – Scott

Please join us in congratulating Scott Cooke for becoming a CESMII Certified Professional.

Polaris Automation now has two leaders who have achieved the CESMII Smart Manufacturing Acceleration Roadmap Professional Certification.  Scott Cooke, Chief Executive Officer, and Randy Gay, Director of Advanced Manufacturing, have earned these certifications.

CESMII, the Smart Manufacturing Institute, is a non-profit organization established as an advocate and resource for industry networking, research, workforce development, and education. CESMII brings together technology, solutions, skills, practice, and knowledge to break down barriers to progress, making the power of information and innovation accessible for all who touch the manufacturing process – from the plant floor to the supply chain.

This comprehensive certification involves a six-part process focused on developing the Smart Manufacturing Strategic Plan. The key components of this roadmap include:

– Identifying and prioritizing high-value target areas
– Ensuring alignment across the organization
– Coordinating with other digital transformation efforts
– Aligning to support the objectives of the overall manufacturing strategic plan

The implementation of Smart Manufacturing strategies technologies can lead to increased productivity, reduced operational costs, enhanced product quality, and more energy efficient and sustainable operations – making manufacturers more competitive in the global market.

With CESMI Certified Professionals on the consulting team, Polaris Automation is even better prepared to work alongside manufacturers to guide Smart Manufacturing initiatives – helping manufacturing access cutting-edge technologies and modernize their operations.

If you are interested in learning more, let’s talk.